Award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in DRDE, Gwalior

Walk-in Interview for the Award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in DRDE (Defence Research and Development Establishment) on 15th July 2024

Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE), Gwalior a premier institute of Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), invites applications from young and meritorious Indian Nationals who desire to pursue defence related research as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in DRDE. Selection will be made on the basis of Walk-in-interview to be held at DRDE.

Below are the details of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in DRDE:

Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in DRDE, Gwalior
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
No of Fellowship (Total Positions)02*
FellowshipDRDO Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Post Code01
Age Limit28 Years
Age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and by 3 years for OBC candidates. For other category of candidates, the age relaxation will be as per DRDO Policy.
Date of Interview and Reporting Time15-Jul-2024 (0930 Hrs)
StipendRs. 37000/- per month
Essential QualificationFirst class M.Sc. in Biological Stream in Life Sciences / Zoology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Microbiology / Pharmacology / Toxicology / Immunology or related fields and have qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by CSIR-UGC NET by JRF/LS, or MHRD (GATE)
TenureMaximum Five Years. Candidate will work initially for first two years as JRF and will subsequently be upgraded as SRF for the remaining three years subject to satisfactory performance to be assessed as per DRDO instructions for grant of research fellowship.
Format of application (PDF):Click here to download
For more details:Click here
Please note that Application form can be downloaded from the above link or DRDO website Duly filled application form is to be forwarded to and
Form need to be submitted in both word and pdf file as per the given format.
Common Guidelines for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in DRDE:
1. Only those candidates who have been awarded degree/provisional certificate are eligible to apply.
2. REPORTING TIME is 0930 hrs on the date of Interview, at Main Gate Reception, DRDE, Jhansi Road, Gwalior-474002. Late comers will not be allowed.
3. In case, large number of candidates appear for the walk-in-interview on the prescribed date, the interview may be carried over to the next day. The candidates are therefore requested to plan accordingly.
4. While appearing for interview, the candidates are required to submit the hard copy of the duly filled application form with recent passport photograph affixed on top right corner of the first page and one set of self attested copies of all degrees/academic qualification certificates/ mark sheets/experience certificates etc.
5. The candidate(s) selected as JRF may be allowed to register for Ph.D. during the tenure of fellowship.
6. Candidates will be essentially required to produce original certificates / testimonials w.r.t. qualifications, experience, age & Cast certificate for verification at the time of interview.
7. Candidates presently employed in Government Department/PSU’s/Autonomous Bodies will be required to produce NOC from employer at the time of interview.
8. Offer of award of Fellowship does not confer on the candidates, any right for absorption in DRDO.
9. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview or for joining, if selected.
10. Please note that electronic items like smart phones / mobile phones / Pen drives / laptop / CD-ROM and any other type of electronic gazettes are not allowed to be carried inside DRDE Gwalior Campus.
11. Incomplete applications will be rejected during the screening.
How to reach the venue of Interview:
DRDE is located at 01KM from Gwalior Railway Station on Jhansi Road Gwalior and Land Mark is Hotel Landmark Road, near FCI Godown.
* Number of vacancies may change as per organizational requirement.

Please visit DRDO Website from time to time for latest updates.

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