Direct Recruitment to Group-A Non Faculty Posts in AIIMS Bhopal

Applications are being invited for Direct Recruitment to Group-A Non Faculty posts in AIIMS Bhopal through email

AIIMS Bhopal is a premier Institute of National Importance (INI) established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) with the aim of correcting regional imbalances in quality tertiary level healthcare in the country and attaining self-sufficiency in graduate and postgraduate medical education and training. Applications are being invited in the prescribed format by email for the following Group-A Non faculty posts in AIIMS Bhopal on Direct Recruitment basis:

Group-A Non Faculty Posts in AIIMS Bhopal
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal
Mode of ApplicationEmail
Application to be sent to
Application Start Date05-June-2024
Application Last Date05-July-2024 up to 5:00 PM
Candidates are also required to submit the hard copy of the duly filled application along with the self-attested copies of certificates and application fee (for specified category) by ‘Registered/Speed Post’ only to “The Deputy Director (Admin.), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ist Floor, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Bhawan, Saket Nagar, Bhopal-462020” by 5.00 p.m. on 15-July-2024 (i.e. within 10 days of the last date for submission of the application by email).

Age, experience and all other prescribed qualifications will be counted as on last date for submission of applications through email, i.e. 5.00 p.m. on 05/07/2024.
Application FeeGeneral/OBC/EWS – Rs. 2000/-
SC/ST/PwBD/Women/Ex-Servicemen – Nil
Fee shall be paid by way of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “Executive Director, AIIMS, Bhopal”. Any other mode of payment is not acceptable.
Fee once remitted will not be refunded.
Inadequately filled/incomplete applications may be summarily rejected.
Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post and pay the application fee for each post.
Application FormPDF download here
For Detailed NotificationClick Here
Other Documents downloadAnnexure-II, Annexure-III_(Affidavit)
Post Details & Qualifications Required for Group-A Non Faculty Posts in AIIMS Bhopal
Name of the post, No of post with reservation, Age & Level of pay in the 7th pay matrixEssential Qualification & Experience etc.
Registrar – 01 (UR)
Up to 50 years
Level-12 (Rs. 78800 – 209200)
1. A Postgraduate degree* of a recognized University.
2. Four/Five Years’* experience of administration in a supervisory capacity in a Central/State Government or Autonomous University/Teaching Institution or as a teacher in a university/ teaching institution including conduct of examination and admission and assignment of teaching programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate etc.
* In case of PG Degree course of 2 years, experience required is 5 years.
* In case of PG Degree course of 3 years then, the experience required would be 4 years.
Deputy Medical Superintendent – 01 (UR)
Between 21 to 40 years
Level-11 (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
1. A recognized medical qualification included in l or II Schedule or Pan II of the 3rd Schedule (other than the licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part-Il of the 34th Schedule should fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of the Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act. 1956.
2. MD (Hospital Administration)/ MHA recognized by Medical Council of India
3. MD/MS in any clinical specialty with 3 years’ experience in Hospital administration of a 200 bedded hospital.
Blood Transfusion Officer – 01 (UR)
Between 21 to 40 years
Level-11 (Rs. 67700 – 208700)
1. A recognized medical qualification included in l or II Schedule or Pan II of the 3rd Schedule (other than the licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part-Il of the 34th Schedule should fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of the Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act. 1956 with 5 Years’ Experience in Blood bank with component separator.
MD in Blood Transfusion Medicine with 1 year experience in Blood Bank with component separator during PG course
Medical Officer (AYUSH-Siddha) – 01 (OBC)
Between 21 to 35 years
Level-10 (Rs. 56100 – 177500)
1. A degree in relevant stream of AYUSH from a Recognized University/Statutory/State Board/Council/Faculty of Indian Medicine or equivalent recognized under the’ relevant council.
2. Enrolment on the Central Register of that stream in Central or State Register of Indian Medicine.
3. Experience: 3 years clinical and/or teaching experience in a recognized hospital/teaching institution.

A postgraduate degree in relevant stream of AYUSH from a Recognized University/ Statutory/ State/ Board/ Council/ Faculty of Indian Medicine
General Instructions for Group-A Non Faculty posts in AIIMS Bhopal:
The Executive Director, AIIMS, Bhopal, reserves the right to vary the vacancies including reserved vacancies, as per the Govt. of India rules/circulars and requirements.

Reservation is applied as per the roster guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India and as per Government of India Rules.

Candidates working in Central/State/UT Government Organizations/PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies are required to apply through proper channel or should enclose No Objection Certificate (NOC) with the application form.

Based on the information furnished in the Application forms, the candidates may be short-listed for interview.

At the time of interview candidates called for interview must produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the current employer and all relevant documents in original for proof of details furnished in their application.

Candidate/s will be selected on the basis of the Interview.

The interview will be held at AIIMS Bhopal. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

Other Terms and Conditions:

Self-Attested photocopies of all Degrees, Certificates, Marksheets, Age proof, Caste Certificates etc. must be attached / annexed with the copy of the application and the same shall be produced in original along with photocopy for verification at the time of interview.

Status of eligibility of the candidates/applicants, date, time & venue for interview shall be notified on the website of AIIMS, Bhopal i.e. No separate intimation will be sent by post or e-mail.

The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law. S/He will be required to submit an Affidavit in this regard as per Annexure-III given above.

The decision of the AIIMS, Bhopal in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, action for furnishing any false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), if required, will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry / correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

All the candidates applying for ‘Group-A Non Faculty Posts in AIIMS Bhopal’ are advised to keep visiting AIIMS Bhopal website: regularly for any updates.

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