Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2024

Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2024 – Indian Navy Invites Online Applications from Unmarried Male and Female Candidates for Agniveer (MR)

Online applications are invited from unmarried male and unmarried female candidates for the Indian Navy Agniveer (MR) Recruitment 2024. The eligibility criteria and broad terms and conditions are laid down below. Please note that candidates need to apply online only and no other means of application will be accepted.

Eligibility Conditions
Who can applyIndian Male and Female
Marital Status of the Candidates Only Unmarried
Note: Candidates will have to give a certificate of being unmarried at the time of enrollment. Agniveers shall not be permitted to marry during their entire tenure of 4 years in Indian Navy. A candidate shall be dismissed from service if he/she marries during his/her tenure or is found to be already married despite giving certificate of being unmarried.
Educational Qualification10th (Matriculation) passed
Minimum Marks in 10th50%
Note: Candidates who appeared in class 10th Board Exam and are awaiting their result can also apply provided they fulfill all other eligibility criteria. Such candidates will be selected when they produce the original marksheet during the Stage II of recruitment process.
AgeCandidate should be born between 01 Nov 2003 – 30 Apr 2007 (both dates inclusive)
Terms & Conditions
Duration of Service4 years
Pay & AllowancesAgniveers will be paid a package of Rs 30,000 per month with a fixed yearly increment. In addition, risk and hardship, dress and travel allowances will be paid
Seva NidhiAgniveers shall be given a one time Seva Nidhi package comprising their monthly contribution along with matching contribution by the Government on completion of their engagement period
Selection Process
Selection process for AgniveersSelection process for Agniveer will include two stages.
Stage I – Shortlisting (Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET)
Stage Ii – PFT, Written Examination and Recruitment Medical Examination
Stage I (INET – Computer Based Online Examination)

Shortlisting: Indian Navy Entrance Test – INET would be conducted for shortlisting of candidates. Shortlisting would be based on marks obtained in INET. Shortlisting will be carried out in state wise manner. The cut of marks for shortlisting of for next stage of selection process may vary from state to state.

Computer Based examination:
(a) The question paper will be Computer Based with a total of 50 questions, carrying one mark each.
(b) The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi and English) and objective type (multiple-choice).
(c) The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e., ‘Science & Mathematics’ and General Awareness.
(d) the standard of question papers will be that of 10th level and sample papers of examination are available on the following link: Exam Syllabus
(e) Duration of examination will be 30 minutes.
(f) The candidates are required to pass in all sections as well as in aggregate.
(g) There is a negative marking for each wrong answer, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
Examination FeeRs 550 + 18% GST has to be paid
Note: The Admit card for the examination will be issued only to those candidates who have successfully paid the examination fee.
Stage II (PFT, Written Examination and Recruitment Medical)

Candidates shortlisted in INET examination will be issued call-up letter for Stage-II (PFT, Written Examination and Recruitment Medical). Stage-II will be conducted in the designated Indian Navy’s centers. The syllabus for Stage-II written exam is available on the following link: Exam Syllabus
Aadhar Card is mandatory for Stage-II

Physical Standards: Qualify the physical fitness test (PFT) is mandatory for selection.

Recruitment Medical Examination: Recruitment Medical Examination will be carried out for candidates who qualify PFT. Candidates qualifying Recruitment Medical Examination will be considered for merit list.

Merit List: Merit list will be prepared based on performance in Stage-II written exam, subject to qualification in Physical Fitness Test and Recruitment Medical Examination. Merit List for Agniveer (MR) – Male and Female will be based on all India basis.
Start date for filling the Online application13 May 2024
Last date for filling up the Online application27 May 2024
Note: Candidates will be provided a window of 03 days post-closing of the application window for corrections of details submitted during the application process. No further corrections/amendments will be entertained thereafter.
For complete details of applicationClick Here
For Applying OnlineClick Here
Download of callup Letters cum Admit CardLink will be available soon
For Exam Syllabus and Sample question paper Click Here

Please note that the term and conditions, dates and guidelines given above are subject to change basis the orders issued by the Government/Authority, as amended from time to time. Therefore, please refer the website for any amendments/changes for more details.

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