Notification of IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024

IBPS is conducting Online Examination for (IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024) Common Recruitment Process for Recruitment of Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is conducing the online examinations for the upcoming Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024) for recruitment of Group “A”- Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Group “B”- Office Assistants (Multipurpose) will be conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) as per the tentative schedule provided below. The interviews for recruitment of Group “A”- Officers (Scale-I, II & III) under the same process will be coordinated by the Nodal Regional Rural Banks with the assistance of NABARD and IBPS in consultation with the appropriate authority tentatively scheduled in the month of November 2024.

Below is the tentative schedule and important dates for IPBS CRP RRBs XIII 2024:

Common Recruitment Process for Recruitment of Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
Online Registration Start Date07 June 2024
Online Registration End Date27 June 2024
Last date of Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online):27 June 2024
Application FeeOfficer (Scale I, II & III)Rs.175/- (Inclusive of GST) for SC/ ST/ PwBD candidates.
Rs.850/- (Inclusive of GST) for all others
Office Assistants (Multipurpose)Rs.175/- (Inclusive of GST) for SC/ ST/ PwBD/ ESM /DESM candidates
Rs.850/- (Inclusive of GST) for all others
Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training (PET)July 2024
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training (PET)22 July 2024 to 27 July 2024
Download of call letters for online examination – PreliminaryJuly/ August, 2024
Online Examination – Preliminary August, 2024
Result of Online exam – PreliminaryAugust/ September 2024
Download of Call letter for Online exam – Main / Single September 2024
Online Examination – Main / SingleSeptember/ October 2024
Declaration of Result – Main/ Single (For Officers Scale I, II and III) October 2024
Download of call letters for interview (For Officers Scale I, II and III)October/November 2024
Conduct of interview (For Officers Scale I, II and III) November 2024
Provisional Allotment (For Officers Scale I, II and III & Office Assistants (Multipurpose))January 2025
For Applying OnlineIBPS Portal
For Detailed NotificationPlease refer
Educational Qualifications & Post Qualification Experience for IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024
(as on last date of Online Registration)
PostEssential QualificationPost Qualification Experience
Office Assistants (Multipurpose)Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent
(a) Proficiency in local language as prescribed by the participating RRB/s*
(b) Desirable: Working knowledge of Computer.
Officer Scale-I (Assistant Manager)Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent
Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics or Accountancy;
Proficiency in local language as prescribed by the participating RRB/s*
Desirable: working knowledge of Computer.
Officer Scale-II General Banking Officer (Manager)Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy.Two years as an officer in a Bank or Financial Institution.
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Manager)Information Technology Officer
Bachelor’s degree from a recognised University in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
Certificate in ASP, PHP, C++, Java, VB, VC, OCP etc.
One year (in the relevant field)
Chartered Accountant
Certified Associate (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
One Year as a Chartered Accountant
Law Officer
Degree from a recognised University in Law or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
Two years as an advocate or should have worked as Law Officer in Banks or Financial Institutions for a period of not less than two years
Treasury Manager
Chartered Accountant or MBA in Finance from a recognized university/ institution.
One Year (in the relevant field)
Marketing Officer
MBA in Marketing from a recognized university
One Year (in the relevant field)
Agricultural Officer
Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Dairy/ Animal Husbandry/ Forestry/ Veterinary Science/ Agricultural Engineering/ Pisciculture from a recognized university or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate
Two Years (in the relevant field)
Officer Scale-III (Senior Manager)Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Preference will be given to the candidates having Degree/ Diploma in Banking, Finance, Marketing,
Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy.
Minimum 5 years’ experience as an Officer in a Bank or Financial Institutions
i. All the educational qualifications mentioned should be from a University/ Institution/ Board recognised by Govt. of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies and the result should have been declared on or before 27.06.2024.
ii. Proper document from Board / University for having declared the result on or before 27.06.2024 has to be submitted at the time of interview for the posts of Officers (Scale I, II and III) and at the time of joining for the post of Office Assistants (Multipurpose).

IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024 Online Examination Structure:

The structure of the Examinations which will be conducted online are as follows:

IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024 Preliminary Examination (objective) **
Office Assistants (Multipurpose):
Duration ($): Composite time of 45 minutes
Sr. No.Name of TestsNo. of QsMaximum Marks
2Numerical Ability4040
Officer Scale-I
Duration ($): Composite time of 45 minutes
Sr. No.Name of TestsNo. of QsMaximum Marks
2Quantitative Aptitude4040
** Candidates (for both posts) have to qualify in both the tests by securing minimum cut-off marks. Adequate number of candidates in each category, depending upon requirements, will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.
IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024 Main Examination (objective)
Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
Duration ($): Composite Time of 2 hours
Sr. No.Name of TestsNo. of QsMaximum Marks
2Computer Knowledge4020
3General Awareness4040
4 a*English Language4040
4 b*Hindi Language4040
5Numerical Ability4050
Officer Scale-I
Duration ($): Composite Time of 2 hours
Sr. No.Name of TestsNo. of QsMaximum Marks
2Computer Knowledge4020
3General Awareness4040
4 a*English Language4040
4 b*Hindi Language4040
5Quantitative Aptitude 4050
($) – IBPS reserves the right to make the duration of Tests separate for each test. This will be duly communicated to the candidates in the information Handout.
* Candidates can opt either 4 a or 4 b.

List of Medium of examination for IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024 for posts of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) and Officer Scale I can be checked at the link.
At any point, IBPS reserves the right to modify the structure (including duration) of the test. Any change in the structure of the examination will be intimated through authorised IBPS website Other detailed information regarding the online examination will be given in Information Handout, on authorised IBPS website which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letter.
Penalty for Wrong Answers:
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will
be no penalty for that question.
IBPS CRP RRBs XIII 2024 Single level Examination (objective)
Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer)
Duration ($): Composite Time of 2 hours
Sr. No.Name of the TestsMedium of ExamNo. of Qs.Maximum Marks
2Computer KnowledgeHindi/English4020
3Financial AwarenessHindi/English4040
4a*English LanguageEnglish4040
4b*Hindi LanguageHindi4040
5Quantitative Aptitude & Data InterpretationHindi/English4050
Officer Scale-II (Specialist Cadre)
Duration ($): Composite Time of 2 hours and 30 minutes
Sr. No.Name of the TestsMedium of ExamNo. of Qs.Maximum Marks
1Professional Knowledge Hindi/English4040
3Financial AwarenessHindi/English4040
4a*English LanguageEnglish4020
4b*Hindi LanguageHindi4020
5Computer KnowledgeHindi/English4040
6Quantitative Aptitude & Data InterpretationHindi/English4040
Officer Scale- III
Duration ($): Composite Time of 2 hours
Sr. No.Name of the TestsMedium of ExamNo. of Qs.Maximum Marks
2Computer KnowledgeHindi/English4020
3Financial AwarenessHindi/English4040
4a*English LanguageEnglish4040
4b*Hindi LanguageHindi4040
5Quantitative Aptitude & Data InterpretationHindi/English4050
* Candidates can opt either 4 a or 4 b
($)- IBPS reserves the right to make the duration of Tests separate for each test. This will be duly communicated to the candidates in the information Handout.
At any point, IBPS reserves the right to modify the structure (including duration) of the test. Any change in the structure of the examination will be intimated through authorised IBPS website Other detailed information regarding the online examination will be given in Information Handout, on authorised IBPS website which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letter.
Penalty for Wrong Answers:
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will
be no penalty for that question.

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