Recruitment of Junior Engineers in Cabinet Secretariat Basis GATE Scorecard

Applications are being invited for Direct Recruitment of Junior Engineers in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India Organisation

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals possessing eligibility criteria given below (as on closing date) and valid GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) Score Card (from amongst GATE 2022 or 2023 or 2024), for Direct Recruitment in the grade of Junior Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Elect) [Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Level-6 of Pay matrix] in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India Organisation.

Below are the details of the vacancies of Junior Engineers in Cabinet Secretariat:

Total Number of Posts:03
Mode of Application:Off-line (Applications to be sent by Post)
Closing Date:08 July 2024
Application FeeNo Fee Required
Total monthly emoluments upon joiningRs. 75,000/- (approx.)
Age LimitNot Exceeding 30 Years
Bifurcation of Posts and other requirements:
Name of the PostNumber of VacanciesEducational QualificationCorresponding Subject paper/Code in GATE
Junior Engineer (Civil)02Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.Civil Engineering
Paper code – CE
Junior Engineer (Electrical)01Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.Electrical Engineering
Paper code – EE
Note: The upper age limit is relaxable for identified categories [SC/ST-5 years, OBC(Recognised by resolution issued by Govt. of India)-3 years, Central Govt. Employees / Ex-servicemen, as per Central Government Orders in force]
Application form downloadPDF format
Documents required to submit with Application form for Junior Engineers in Cabinet Secretariat
Eligible candidates applying for the above mentioned posts must submit self-attested copies of:
a) certificates and mark-sheets of Matriculation (10th), 10+2 (Intermediate) and BE/B.Tech,
b) valid GATE scorecard,
c) Caste Certificate (as per Annexure-I or II) for age relaxation (if applicable),
d) NOC from present employer (if applicable)
e) Undertaking (Annexure-III) and discharge certificate, in case of ex-serviceman and
f) two recent passport size coloured photographs (with name and DOB on the back)

General Guidelines:

  • All the applications received as on closing date and satisfying the above mention eligibility criteria will be arranged in order of merit on the basis of GATE marks for each post in respective GATE subjects. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of GATE marks (only 5 times the number of vacancies) will be called for interview.
  • Selection of candidates will be based on GATE marks and interview subject to fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria, their Character and Antecedent verification and medical examination.
  • Application form to be typed on A4 size paper should be filled in English capital (Block) letters using black or blue ink only. Any cutting or overwriting in any part of the application form will render it liable to be rejected. Candidates are, therefore, advised to take special care while filling the application form. Do not leave any column blank. Incomplete/unsigned and application without requisite certificates will be rejected.
  • Persons, in Government Service must submit their applications through respective office and should enclose certificates (Annexure-IV) obtained from the Competent Authority for claiming age relaxation as per Government Rules.
  • The employment carries All India Transfer Liability. Medical standard of the candidates would be as per Central Government guidelines applicable to Group-B posts.
  • The envelope containing application (along with requisite documents) should be clearly superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR ENGINEER (CIVIL)/ JUNIOR ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL)” and sent through ORDINARY POST addressed to Post Bag No. 3003, Lodhi Road, Head Post Office, New Delhi-110003. The last date of receipt of application is 8 July,2024.

The Cabinet Secretariat reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the recruitment process / revise the number of vacancies, at any stage without assigning any reason.

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