HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern: PDF Download Here

Haryana Public Service Commission has announced the 3069 PGT vacancies in various subjects for ROH Cadre and Mewat Cadre of Haryana. HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern are available here (PDF can downloaded here)

Haryana HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024: Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released the official notice of 3069 Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) vacancies for 20 various subjects for Rest of Haryana (ROH) Cadre and Mewat Cadre. Applications are being invited online from the Indian eligible Candidates. Exam pattern and HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024 have also been provided with the advertisement. You can read more about the HPSC PGT recruitment here: HPSC PGT Recruitment 2024.

Below is the detailed HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern:

Scheme/Pattern of Exam:

Screening Test (wherever applicable):

  1. Total number of MCQs: 100
  2. Time duration of the exam: 02 hours
  3. Total Marks for the exam: 100
  4. All questions carry equal marks.
  5. Each question will have five options (A, B, C, D and E). If a candidate is attempting a question, she/he shall have to darken the appropriate circle A, B, C or D and if not attempting a question then, she/he shall have to darken E circle. If none of the five circles is darkened, one fourth (0.25) mark shall be deducted.
  6. Any candidate not darkening any of the five circles in more than 10% questions shall be disqualified.
  7. One-fourth mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  8. Candidates four times the numbers of advertised posts, including bracketed candidates if any, will be called for the next stage of selection process, provided that they have secured the minimum cut-off marks of 25% in the screening test.
  9. In cases, where the total number of applicants is less or nearly four times the number of advertised posts, the Commission reserves its right to call the candidates directly for the subject knowledge test.
  10. The marks obtained by the candidates in the screening test will not be counted for final selection because it is only for short listing of category-wise candidates, for the subject knowledge test.

Subject Knowledge Test:

  1. Time duration of exam: 03 hours
  2. Total Marks : 150
  3. The numbers of the candidates to be called for interview will be two times, including bracketed candidates if any, of the number of advertised posts provided that they have secured the minimum cutoff marks of 35%.
  4. The weightage of the subject knowledge test will be 87.5%.

Please note for both Screening Test and Subject Knowledge Test that the medium of examination will be as under:

  • Only in English Language:- Biology, Chemistry, Home Science, Mathematics and Physics.
  • In Bilingual i.e. English and Hindi Language:– Commerce, Economics, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.
  • The language subjects such as English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu and Punjabi will be in their respective language only.


  1. The weightage of the interview will be 12.5%.
  2. The final merit list will be prepared by adding the marks of the subject knowledge test and interview/viva-voce.
You can download the above mentioned pattern PDF here
HPSC Exam Pattern 2024Download PDF

Note: In case of Music, Physical Education and Fine Arts, Skill Test will be held first and foremost. Those who qualify in the Skill Test will advance to the next stage of the recruitment process.

HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024 PDFs:

Below is a list of all the subjects for PGT Recruitment, along with their respective HPSC PGT Syllabus PDFs:

HPSC PGT Syllabus – SubjectHPSC PGT Syllabus PDF
HPSC PGT BiologyDownload PDF
HPSC PGT ChemistryDownload PDF
HPSC PGT CommerceDownload PDF
HPSC PGT EconomicsDownload PDF
HPSC PGT EnglishDownload PDF
HPSC PGT Fine ArtsDownload PDF
HPSC PGT GeographyDownload PDF
HPSC PGT HindiDownload PDF
HPSC PGT HistoryDownload PDF
HPSC PGT Home ScienceDownload PDF
HPSC PGT MathematicsDownload PDF
HPSC PGT MusicDownload PDF
HPSC PGT Physical EducationDownload PDF
HPSC PGT PhysicsDownload PDF
HPSC PGT Political ScienceDownload PDF
HPSC PGT PsychologyDownload PDF
HPSC PGT SanskritDownload PDF
HPSC PGT SociologyDownload PDF
HPSC PGT UrduDownload PDF
HPSC PGT PunjabiDownload PDF

So, these were the PDFs of HPSC PGT Syllabus for different subjects. We advise candidates to visit the official website https://hpsc.gov.in/ regularly for the latest updates on the exam and the HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024.

HPSC PGT Syllabus 2024 – Preparation Strategy (10 Tips):

If you are preparing for the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) recruitment exam, it requires a systematic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you to help you prepare effectively: I have broken these steps in 2 main groups:

Main Strategic points:

1. Understand the Exam Pattern and HPSC PGT Syllabus: You must familiarize yourself with the exam format, including the number of sections, types of questions, marking scheme and duration of the exam. Obtain (you can download from above) the detailed HPSC PGT syllabus for the subject you are applying for.

2. Create a Study Plan: You should create a timetable that covers all topics in the syllabus. Allocate more time to difficult subjects or areas where you are weak. You must set daily, weekly, and monthly goals to track your progress.

3. Gather Study Materials: You should choose standard textbooks and reference books recommended for your subject. Experts often recommend NCERT books for basic concepts. A huge resource is available online. You should utilize online study materials, video lectures, and educational websites. You must collect and solve previous years’ question papers to understand the exam pattern and difficulty level.

4. Focus on Core Subjects: You must concentrate on the core subjects relevant to your PGT subject. You must ensure that you cover all of the topics mentioned in the syllabus. For subjects like English, Hindi, Mathematics, etc., you should practice writing essays, solving mathematical problems and must improve language skills.

5. Practice Regularly: You should take regular mock tests to evaluate your preparation. You must time yourself to simulate the actual exam conditions. You should also solve the sample papers and practice questions available in study guides or online platforms.

6. Revision: You must revise regularly the topics you have studied to retain the information. Consider making concise notes for a quick revision before the exam.

Additional Strategic points:

7. Stay Updated: You must stay updated with current affairs, especially if the exam includes a general knowledge section. For this, you need to watch news channels, read newspapers and follow reliable news websites. You should keep an eye on official notifications from HPSC for any updates regarding the exam dates, syllabus changes, or other important information.

8. Maintain Health and Well-being: You should maintain a healthy routine, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. So, you should practice stress-relieving techniques like yoga, meditation to stay calm and keep yourself focused.

9. Join Study Groups: You should participate in study groups or online forums to discuss difficult topics, share resources, and clear your doubts with peers.

10. Coaching Classes (Optional): If necessary, you can consider joining a coaching institute for professional guidance and structured preparation.

By following these steps diligently, you can enhance your preparation for the HPSC PGT recruitment exam. Good luck!

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